made by hand and with love

featuring local ingredients in every cookie
Who We Are
Meredith + Abe came together back in 2004 when he was being trained at Summit Assistance Dogs in Anacortes, Washington.
He was released from the program and that's when Mere adopted him as her forever best friend. They started their cookie business- GIRLnDOG- and life kept movin' along.
Then Tim, Annie, Oliver and Fiona - a husband + 3 kids - and an 8 yr break from baking because... those kids. Abe passed when Meredith was pregnant with their 3rd baby. He left only once he knew his human had met other humans to love & be loved by... as any best friend would.
In honor of their bond - Mere started baking again- offering cookies far + wide.
A 1954 Shasta trailer was purchased in 2020. As a fundraiser for the remodel, Tim everested Mt Baker Highway on his roadbike. The funds that were raised by that challenge helped convert the Shasta into this next iteration of GIRLnDOG... a mobile cookie purveyor spreading ALL the joy ALL the time to boutique weddings, gatherings, triathlons, trail running races, mountain bike events... all the good stuff.
Rest assured- every event this trailer attends means a step in the direction of spreading cookie love everywhere + supporting an incredible nonprofit- Summit Assistance Dogs - in memory of Abe.